Thank you for your encouraging comments. This sort of thing makes me so nervous but got to do it for James xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Yes, I believe this too. I believe that your loved ones would want you to be happy, would want you to find the joy and excitement they would have in the same situation.

I think this sentiment is captured in these words, "But I am other things too and I have to live another life now; I have to be adventurous (not something that comes naturally to me) but I have to live the life that James could not. He was brave so I must be too." It's a beautiful form of encouragement.

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This is so beautiful and brings back special memories of you and James sitting round the kitchen table creating, painting, making. I loved being involved in some of the art sessions, your words around the kitchen table resonate through me, as I picture those times so well and feel privileged to be able to remember James painting and creating. James, a true artist in everyway, still painting rainbows in the sky.

Love always Kelly x

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Beautiful Jess .

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We cant know what strength it takes to find the "New Self" but you cant know how much strength your words and actions give to so many others. Sometimes climbing a hill out of the fog means you can see only distant hills way out of reach and the thought of having to descend back into the fog to reach those clear places is so hard, but they are there! Green shoots!

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Oh, wonderful, Thank you for this Charlie, it means the world to know.

We mustn't suffer alone or in silence. We are not alone. And your so right. Your support is felt and much loved xxxxx

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YOU, Jessica, are an angel. A real life angel. James's art deserves the credit, it's beautiful. Thank you for this. You will help heal so many souls. I love all 3 you's; Old, new and lost xx

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there is a fourth me, you might not like her hahahaha xxxxxxxxxxxx

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she's my fave ;)

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Good to read this and hear what you are going through. James put so much into his art, what a joy to see. How fantastic he had access to art materials and that you supported him so well with you love. Bless you all. X

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Hello nice woman with grey hair, Thank you, the comments feel so supportive. I love your bio

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Beautiful Jess .

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Thank you so much for taking the time to write that. It means so much. Too feel less alone

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A few moments to sit quietly and remember James. Honoured to hold dear memories of ' arty farty time ' , and learning more about the worlds animals peering out the windows of your lovely home. Something always cooking, and James's cheeky, witty, intillectual and vibrant character shining through invisible pain. When i think about you Jessica, and Simon and of course Jamesy...something weird yet comforting happens to my heart. Keep writing Jess, and learing the 'new self'🙏💙xxx Dawnie xxx

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